
Bluetooth 4.0 vs 5.0

Bluetooth 4.0 vs 5.0 Comparison (what’s different?)

Are you thinking about buying new Bluetooth headphones and curious about the differences between Bluetooth 4.0 vs 5.0? In this article, we’ll talk about the differences between these two technologies. We’ll also explain the advantages of choosing the upgraded and latest Bluetooth technology. So, let’s get right into our Bluetooth 4.0 vs 5.0 comparison to […]

Bluetooth 4.0 vs 5.0 Comparison (what’s different?) Read More »

AirPods vs Headphones

AirPods vs Headphones (which is best for you and why?)

Are you having trouble deciding whether to buy Apple AirPods, or Bluetooth earbuds or headphones? Maybe you’re not sure which type of listening device would better suit your needs and preferences. In this article I’ll provide a helpful AirPods vs Headphones comparison. I’ll go over the respective benefits of AirPods and Bluetooth earbuds or headphones,

AirPods vs Headphones (which is best for you and why?) Read More »