Joe B.

Owner of and a father of two. Passionate about music, gaming, and great podcasts.

AirPods vs Headphones

AirPods vs Headphones (which is best for you and why?)

Are you having trouble deciding whether to buy Apple AirPods, or Bluetooth earbuds or headphones? Maybe you’re not sure which type of listening device would better suit your needs and preferences. In this article I’ll provide a helpful AirPods vs Headphones comparison. I’ll go over the respective benefits of AirPods and Bluetooth earbuds or headphones, […]

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How to Sanitize Earbuds

How to Sanitize Earbuds

Did you know that there may be as many as 119,186 colony-forming units of bacteria on your earbuds? That’s right, your earbuds are regularly exposed to bacteria from being carried on your regular travels. That means they can get very dirty and need to be cleaned regularly to avoid problems, like ear infections. So how

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